Bunch of Amateurs

Launched on VRT, Bunch Of Amateurs is fun filled celebration of grace roots sports. Stripped across the week sports clubs will compete against each other in the hosts sport of expertise. Monday it’s the football club that is hosting and we play football, Tuesday we’re swimming at the swimming club etc… Each team will be paired with a self confessed sport novice, a celebrity who is an amateur in all the sports of the week. They are there as an example of just how good these guys are, even if they’re amateurs. Bunch Of Amateurs is above all a celebration of the clubs up and down the country where the talent is nurtured. Clubs that lie at the heart of the community run by a group of good natured obsessives and volunteers who are dedicated to their sport. While they’re all amateurs they take their clubs deadly seriously. Let’s watch them at play.

length:30 min