Nations Toughest: The Rig

Nation’s Toughest: The Rig is a streaming sensation. NRK is a digital first commissioner and their key metric is season completion rate. This is where Nations Toughest: The Rig has excelled, the fourth Season had an 80% completion rate. In the 5th season, that rose again to 114%. An unprecedent 14% more people watched the finale than the first episode. Season 6 is in production.

Nation’s Toughest: The Rig delivers a young audience and offers a long running successful reality competition that doesn’t break the bank.

The setting is unique and has been home for the contestants for the last 3 seasons. The Rig is now iconic. It serves multiple purposes, it’s a spectacular backdrop, it’s the living quarters, and a prop for some competitions. Situated near Trondheim Norway we are offering ‘The Rig’ as a back to back production hub.

season:6 (tx '25)
length:1 hr